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Hehehe, in the first picture his expression is saying "Jeez, mom, this is so goofy..."

Ms B.

He's a right little charmer!
Thank you for sharing the spirit of Christmas and I hope a smidgin of the love and goodwill you have sent out into the blogosphere boomerangs right back to you.
Tis much deserved.
Ake ome, koto yoro etc etc
Ms B.


He's adorable! The cutest elf ever!


This time last year, could you even imagine how different Christmases would be for ever more?

Love Shuma's stocking, did someone stitch that especially for him?

Fertility Bracelet

Oh he is so cute! So happy for you! You have your little angel. :)

Cecena Lim

Hi Amy,

I've following your blog for almost two (2) years now but I've never made any comment so far. I really enjoy reading your blog that document your various holiday in Japan in Canada and also the food u ate :)heheee...

It's such a joy that a new family member has been added as I've also delivered my first baby boy in August.

Looking at adorable Shuma makes one so proud of him. I notice this cushion like holder(with color strip) u place him on makes me wonder where can I get it too.

Can u share with me on where you get the cushion from?

Sorry to trouble you.

Many thanks in Advance,
Cecena Lim

I ordered it online from a Japanese company and really like it. It can be used as a nursing pillow, support pillow for baby, or body pillow. I don't know if you are in Japan or can read Japanese, but here's where I got it in Japanese: http://item.rakuten.co.jp/baby-smile/25100401/ and English (looks like they ship overseas): http://en.item.rakuten.com/babytown/1500488/ -Amy

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